Brush Removal Experts

We now offer brush removal clean up to take away hiding spots for homeless camps. Brush removal is one of the only ways, in our experience, to prevent unwanted homeless camp trash from accumulating on your property.



We cut down tall grass, weeds, bushes, blackberry vines, etc. on any sized property to eliminate hiding spots and make it easier to see if unwanted people are living on your property. We can utilize a skid steer with a mowing attachment for large properties, a walk-behind commercial brush mower that cuts up to 2″ thick trees and branches, and weed whackers with various attachments. We can do it after or before we remove the homeless camp trash and needles or clear the brush for any other reason.

There are numerous cases of homeless people taking over private property and causing massive problems for the property owners.

KING 5 covered a story about a Veteran who had his property over-run by a group of homeless individuals.

The authorities were eventually able to remove them for trespassing on private property, but what happens to all the mess left behind?

Clearing a property of excess brush can help prevent homeless encampments and the resulting clean-up challenges.

This is where Bio Decon Solutions comes in. Our professional technicians are available 24 hours a day to help property owners clean up the mess and clean up their property to make it less desirable for the unhoused to return.

Brush removal is a great way to prevent homeless camps from developing or redeveloping on your property.

Call the professionals at Bio Decon Solutions for all your brush removal or cleanup needs.

Call 24 hours a day